Your Analog Front End

I wanted to hear what other A-goners had as an analog front end--including how that came about at that front end and what upgrades they would / or intend to make. This would include everything from the phono stage to the cartridge and any tweaks they find essential to analog.
I wanted to state, that one of my primary purposes is the journey you've taken through analog--so that other a-goner's can learn from more experienced people's triumphs and mistakes (so include both). Anolog is a quirky thing--some combinations work--others don't--please share.
Once you get past a certain price range, it's all in how you hold your tongue!
I am using a Linn LP 12 with the Lingo power supply. It originally came with an Akito arm and I was using a Sumiko Blue Point. About 18 months ago upgraded the cartridge to a Benz Micro Glider. 3 months ago changed the arm to the Ekos. My phono stage is an Audio Research PH3 SE with NOS Amperex tubes. I am very happy with the sound now, but we all know that doesn't mean anything! Future upgrades could be a new cartridge or perhaps an Audio Research Reference phono stage. Hopefully it will be a while before I feel the need to improve. As a side, I have a Sony 777es SACD player but really still enjoy the vinyl sound vs even SACD.