The best Neutral Power cord ?

I am looking to upgrade from the stock power cords on my amp, DAC and Preamp. First of all, do power cords really make a significant difference? If they do, what is the most neutral sounding power cord in the $100-300 range (used price of course. Do you have any suggestions? Please help.
If you want to keep both the cost and work down, you can buy a Volex 17604 cord, already terminated with an iec and molded male end, and proceed (if you want) to hack the male end off and terminate it with a quality hospital grade plug from the likes of Leviton or Hubbell. The 17604 apparently is the 19364 Belden cable already terminated (Volex is a subsidiary of Belden). I just ordered two for $11 Canadian each (about $7 US) and I'll post back in a few weeks with results. If you're interested, just do a net search on "Volex" and look for their distributors. Sounds like it might be a pretty hot cord for under $20! In any event, relative to many audiophile purchases, you don't have much to lose! Merry Christmas!
In all the equiptment we buy;the power cord is the least likely place to find a mismatch.Generally,the more you spend;the more improvement you get.
Kevperro is right about Bob Crump of TG audio. Great cables and great price. Smart move in not spending over $300 it's not worth it.
I'd be interested to know how a power cord can be other than neutral. Are there bright power cords? Dark ones? The only difference I've noticed, as an improvement, is hearing more of what I take to be the recorded musical signal coming through the speakers. But what could "neutral" mean? I know what it means for interconnect and speaker cables, but .....
Hi Tom_nice, PCs do have a sound like ICs and speaker cable. For example the Shunyata Black Mamba is a bit dark and sweet. The PS audio lab cable will sound neutral in comparison to the BM. The FIM PC will sound more neutral than the lab cable if that makes any since. I understand using the term neutral but I don't remember walking out of a concert and saying to myself that the performance sure sounded neutral tonight. I guess I look at PCs the same way as I do all wire. They all have a sound. Some sound better than others. Unfortunatly it seems the more you are willing to spend the better the PC will sound. I suppose when they make a PC that does not have a sound then it can be called neutral. I hope I have helped more than confused.