LPs - display/storage etc ideas

Hi. i'm soooo tired of trying to find a good way to solve the age-old problem of record storage. anyone come up with some cool solutions? if you stack them you can't read the sides and it's annoying to flip through them. if you have them foward facing you can only have a few at a time and then they take up a whole wall. i'm thinking of building a while wall shelving unit for them but need some thoughts and 'watch outs.' i dont feel like spending 1500 on a billy bags metal rack that i can build for 50 bucks, either. thanks in advance.
I just received this email from Gene Rubin (a local high end dealer) and hope he does not mind that I am posting it here. I wanted to give him credit as well. Here's the info:

Dear LP record owners,

those of us with lots of LP records all know how difficult it is to
find a shelf unit with just the right dimensions at any reasonable
price. Many of you have to go the very expensive custom route. I am
sending you this email to let you know about a very attractive, simple
unit that holds 600 to 700 LP's available at your local Target Store. I
happened into it a day before I was to order a custom $700 unit. This
shelf unit was exactly what I needed at only $129! All the dimensions
are perfect, it is very strong, the look is contemporary. I searched the
web for a picture of it to email you but, alas, there was none to be
found. You'll just have to go to Target to check it out for yourself. It
is in the furniture department, Furio model #40054.

Hope this helps some of you out,

Gene Rubin
I recommend modular wire rack systems. They're made by various manufacturers and are available at Target, Container Store, Home Depot and others. The racks come in chrome, black or white and you can put them on optional casters. The spacing between shelves is adjustable in 1 inch increments. I use the 72 inch post with four 48 wide shelves. Each unit will hold approximately 800 records. Style wise, they're more functional than attractive. Prices ranges from $80 to $120 per unit.
Kublakhan asked me to put together some instructions for the units I built. I've done so in Word format, but it has pictures so I can't (another computer guru might be able to) post it here. However, I will e-mail the instructions to anyone that wants them. Just e-mail me and ask for the LP storage instructions. The file is about 500k.
ewe may wanna check out this site: dunno about their costs; i haven't thoroughly been thr the site, but the design/style looks interesting, & someone handy could build their own:


hope this helps, doug s.

I bought a three drawer MEDICAL file cabinet. It cost me $100.00 (used) and has room for hundreds of LPs. The drawers are wide enough to hold LPs and to have CDs on the side of the LPs. I can flip through LPs or CDs and see the front of each album.