Is this why my analog rig isn't so hot?

Hi All,

My system is quite decent, but...

Could it be the voltage output of my Benz Glider is too high?

My photo stage - a 47 Lab PhonoCube - could handle low outputs down to 0.12 mV. Since my Glider has a medium output (0.83 mV) - is this why I'm not that happy with my system? I seem to want to hear more, specially the top.

If I got the same Glider but with a lower output, would it make a difference? Or should I get a better cartridge? And which one?

My system:

Basis 2000 table
RS-A1 Lab arm
Benz Glider (0.83 mV)
47 Lab PhonoCube phono stage
47 Lab Chooser passive preamp
47 Lab Gaincard amp
Konus Audio Essence speakers

Sorry George,
I wrote my previous post prior to your last reply, I don't want to attack what you own, just want to give you a different point of view and something to look out for.

Unfortunately these days in the absence of many traditional well established turntable manufacturers good analog has become even more of a moving target. What kind of quality sound do you expect to get from two thin pieces of plastic or wood thrown together? Please just touch the platter and see how much play there is in the bearing and you make your own conclusions.....

Now, now. You're going to have to do better than that, Yo'mama.

You sound like one of the reviewers from the magazines. Lots of generalizations and no real specifics. C'mon, give us some comparisons between Basis tables and others, or even Basis tables with different carts and arms. Put some meat on the bones!

>>You sound like one of the reviewers from the magazines. Lots of generalizations and no real specifics<<

What genralization? Please read my post again its very specific!

>>C'mon, give us some comparisons between Basis tables and others, or even Basis tables with different carts and arms<<

If you read the post again without getting emotional or defensive you'll see that I mentioned that more than a few of the Basis tables I heard came with a Graham arm and some Benz cartridge, a few had the Rega arm with some sort of modification, Denon or a Shelter cartridge.

>>Put some meat on the bones!<<

What do you want an essay of 1500 words longer? There's so little to say about something so wrong.

Hi Yourmama,

Okay, so my table isn't up to par with the good ones. According to you, the top is missing - which is one of the issues I have with the table. So there, at least, there is some agreement.

I thought it was the cartridge that was causing this missing top. Now it appears it's really the table that's at fault. That's fine, I'm listening.

What then is a good table to build upon? You mentioned traditional tables. Would the Linn LP12 be a good point to start? Or the Teres?

Please give a few suggestions so I may digest the info and work on it - when I'm ready and able.

Hi George,

Why do you insist on keeping that sonambulent acrylic turd, swapping this and that,fidgeting here & there, yet never satisfied with the outcome? Sell it NOW. It'll only make you crazy.
