Cables for ML380S/ML332/Res Aud CD-55

Looking for advice/experience with cables for ML332/ML380S combination and Resolution Audio Cd-55. Speakers are Dunlavy SC-IV's and speaker cable is Kimber Bi-Focal XL. I have been using Magnan VI balanced between ML332 and ML380S. Thanks for the advice and recommendations in advance. Best wishes, Bill E
I'm new here. Why so much hostility toward carl_eber? Sounds like he's pretty opinionated. Is there anything else I should know? Thanks.
Ze10, Carl is one of a number of people who interject thier opinion in threads where there opinion is not asked for. Read the request and first four posts. Lakefrontroad (LFR) is asking for specific help with a specific system. It stands to reason that while many people will read the request, we should hope that only people that have several components in the system or have experience with the pieces being considered would be the ones to reply. Carl does not own any of the pieces that LFR has, although he does have a piece by one of the manfacturers, yet he interjects his thoughts, essentialy instructing LFR to trade everything in. This does not help LFR at all and in fact probably frustrates him, I know it does me. The kind of post Carl made follows the old 10%/90% rule: 10% ruin it for the 90%. The only thing we can do is ignore opinions such as the one Carl provided and periodically blast him as Cornfedboy and Kendall43 did. The Carls of the world will never figure out that their opinion was not asked for in this specific case and will continue to post unsolicited responses and continue to be blasted. Their complaint will be that nobody likes them or that people are out to get them. But the truth is that they provided an opinion that was not appropriate. Ze10 welcome to the wonderful world of audio, enjoy it, ask questions, and listen, listen, listen.
And you think that somehow, by attacking me personally, that helps Lakefrontroad? WHY ARE THE ABOVE 4 POSTS HERE, THEN? I submit that not one of you owns the same system as lakefront, either. I will never be shamed for trying to help someone, nor will I be discouraged here. You guys need to lighten up a little bit, and stop whining. You embarass yourselves, yet again, and are actually much more "opinionated" than you think I am (and it counts much less). Hypocracy is nothing to be proud of, but have another round, and come back to embarass yourselves again anyhow. I can't wait to see if I can laugh any louder than I did this time!
I own the RA-55 and have tried several cables, but unfortunately not with ML equipment. A friend of mine, however, has a system very similar to yours LFR; RA-55, ML-380, and ML-333. The speakers differ dramatically though.
The cables he is using are Analysis Plus Silver Oval IN balanced interconnects, and I believe Oval 9 speaker cables. His system sounds absolutely wonderful.
Heh, Thanks all for the imput. On point, off point and to the point. It's a delight to read the thoughts and experiences of each and your recommendations. And to be sure, I love the personal banter. Life ain't nothing without a cock fight! I have found the Cardas Golden Cross interconnects between the CD and the pre-amp "too soft and fleshy" in detailed orchestral music. It seems to lack the fiber that I hear in other's systems. I will report the change with the Kimber's which should arrive tommorrow. Again, all imput appreciated. Bill E.