Is it safe to run cheap wires?

I am in the process of upgrading my speaker wires. I sold my old ones and I dont have the new ones yet. I have two Classe Audio Ca-400's that I run bridged. (roughly 1200 watts per channel) It will be a few weeks before I have my new wires and I was wondering if it was ok to use monster cable until then. I know the sound quality isnt going to be the greatest but is that to much power for the cable?
No brainer: go down to Radio Shadk and buy the 16 or 18 gauge wire and enjoy it. There are exceptions (e.g. Spectral threatens you with fire and brimstone if you run anything except MIT cable) but I am currently using good old Radio Shack wire as my stopgap speaker cable, and between my VTL monoblocks and Virgo speakers, it ain't half bad. Certainly there's no damage! Wire that costs $18 for 50 feet can do for the moment as I audition the high price spread wires that cost $1,000 for 10 feet. By the way, have you discoverd The CAble Company? They will lend you wires to audition.
Perfectimage; I know that it's safe to run cheap speaker cables, eg even though you have very powerful amps, it's likely that you're only using a few watts at any given time. I would like to ask you about your experience with your super high powered Classe' amps because I am planning on doing the same thing with 300 wpc McCormack DNA-2DX amps, ie bridge the channels and have them turned into monos. The DNA2s will then put out 1200 wpc. What kind of changes did you notice in your music with the increased power, and do you feel it was worth it? Any downsides? I'd sure like your opinions/observations. BTW, Dave Reich was a designer for Classe' for awhile and was later with McCormack while the DNA-2s were being designed and produced, and I think he may have had some influence on the DNA2s design, but the basics were done by Steve McCormack. Cheers. Craig.
I agree with the Radio Shack suggestion with one caveat...terminate with something other than twisting the wire. Spades, bananas, or pins. Using heat shrink is a good idea also. Protecting the binding posts from eachother is a bigger concern than the speaker cable you select. Happy listening, Jeff
Thanks for the advice everyone. I truly appreciate it. Rosebud I am interested in what you said. Is this a characteristic of Monster Cable or gauge of wire?