Power/Line conditioner

I was given a Power/Line conditioner that was used on a large copy machine. It is from IEPS electronics model LC1500. This unit remanufactures the power and delivers it at a constant level. I've read that some of these type of units are "made" for stereo equipment, and this one was definitly made for office equipment. What information do I have to look for on the web site to tell if this unit will be beneficial to my system? The price was right, but I dont want to degrade from what I have now.
Thanks for all of your responses, I guess I'll stick with my Monster HTS 3500 for now.
Ton1313: Or check out the less expensive Monster HTS2000 which is "said" to sound better than the 3500 model. I purchased the HTS2000 model because of this feedback from the web. It was purchased new for $125.00, mail order.
Dekay would you share your experience with the 2000 and compare with other conditioners you have used. Thanks
Dekay: The main reason I picked up the 3500 was for the sequential turn on. globalmart.com $275. I found this unit very pleasing and it did clean up some of the higher and mid frequencies very well. the statement, "that the reviewers that said the 2000 sounds better than the 3500", I think is more of a personal musical preference than a "better" classification. Listen to both if you have the chance.
Sol: The Hts2000 is the only one that I have used and it was selected by reading reviews both pro and non pro and also by the price. It really helps with my system, but I also live in LA and have crumby power. I am now looking for something less expensive than the PS models that will help with power fluctuations as well. I do not really hear the Brown outs as such (they only last a half second or so and my gear seems to hold more than enough current in reserve for these instances) but I know that it is reducung the usable life of my gear. For example we go through a computer fan every 9 months or so and light bulbs do not last nearly as long as they should. Anyway, getting back to the HTS2000 it is hard to tell how much it is limiting, if at all, the power amp because it is the best of two evils considering my power supply. It does have two outlets that are designed specifically for amps. Every piece of gear, including both my SS and tube amps, sound better when running from the Monster, even in the early morning hours. If you check out the web reviews on the Monsters you will see, as I did, that this cheaper model is preffered by many over the more expensive models. Whether this is a chain reaction of opinions I do not know. Globalmart is also where I purchased mine on line and they were great to deal with as the item arrived 3 days after my order was placed and paid for. Right now I have a power conditioner coming in for our computer that I will also try on the main stereo. It is an APC LR1250 and was mentioned in another thread at this site as being good for our application (Hifi). There is also another thread "Best upgrade I ever made" that mentions another "type" of line conditioner that I would also like to try out and the company is a short drive from my home. For $125.00 I reccomend the HTS2000 for starters as in my situation it really does improve the sound by taming the dirty juice. I just need more especially with the power problems that CA is experiencing right now and dont want to see the power supplies and caps in my gear fail long before their time.