Shinon Red cartridge

Can anyone tell me what is the recommended tracking force?
I lost the manual..
I owned this cartridge back in the mid to late 80s. What a wonderful warmth and bloom in the mids. If my recollection serves me right, the tracking force was 1.8g.
I think that you would be very safe at 1.5 Grams as a starting point, and to gradually increase by ear or satisfaction to 1.8 Grams as Jafox suggested.

Agree with previous statements, you can also try to find its best tracking ability using a test LP.  I found at 1.8 g it tracks 80 with ease. Superb cart in everything really.
Dear harold-not-the-barrel: Are you aware that you gave an answer to a 2001 question?

Regards and enjoy the music,