I see the point you're making but as human beings how else to communicate without a common language? For example I've been asked more than a few times by interested people to describe the differences in sound between my SET 300b and my 100 watt class AB push pull amplifiers. It's only possible to do if I use very descriptive words and phrases to construct a mental image that would be understood. If I said one has more bass weight and authority yet the other has superior texture, ,articulation and is more tactile, I believe most would correctly get my meaning. I can't think of a better way to communicate my impression to another person.
I see the point you're making but as human beings how else to communicate without a common language? For example I've been asked more than a few times by interested people to describe the differences in sound between my SET 300b and my 100 watt class AB push pull amplifiers. It's only possible to do if I use very descriptive words and phrases to construct a mental image that would be understood. If I said one has more bass weight and authority yet the other has superior texture, ,articulation and is more tactile, I believe most would correctly get my meaning. I can't think of a better way to communicate my impression to another person.