Vinyl Cleaning

Is there a home brew solution for vinyl cleaning such as alcohol or distilled water? Also is there a particular style of brush that can be used (i.e. horse hair) to use with the cleaning solution?

Alcohol doesn't damage vinyl by itself. However, sometimes plasticizors are included to the vinyl to make the vinyl composition more flexible and workable. Adding plasticizors make the stamping process easier, and made shipment damage (loss of profit) less of an issue, since the record was more flexible. Most plasticizors are composed of di-basic fatty acids, and are alcohol soluable. (they will disolve in Iso-Propyl Alcohol,(IPA)

I have tested many samples of LP records to find which labels did and which didn't use plasticizors in their vinyl, and found that non were consistant. I even went as far as to test vinyl from different plants, I.E; Mercury and RCA had various plants. There was also an inconsistency in the amount of plasicisor used. Maybe different compositions were used by different engineers, or maybe it wasn't an issue.

At what rate does the plasticizor disolve? Once again, different compositions equal different rates. Could we clean LP's for 50 years with straight IPA? Are we all too anal about the whole cleaning process? Maybe. While there is no concrete information as to whether or not IPA based solutions will damage your LP's or not, I'll continue using alcohol free.
To Wags question on what brush to use- the guy at Record Research recommends using a soft carbon micro fiber type (several brands on the market from $10 or so) while the brush that VPI has available is quite stiff. I find myself using the VPI brush for wet cleaning and the micro fiber for dry dusting.

Jimbo3: the 99.9% pure refers, as far as I know, to the ratio of alcohol to water. It is essentially impossible to distill 100% alcohol, since alcohol will pick up water vapor from the air. The 99.9% stuff I buy, however, is also pure with regard to other agents that are sometimes found in alcohol. The one cautionary note for anyone planning to make their own cleaning solution is DO NOT use rubbing alcohol. It often has often ingredients that are intended for use on human skin, and these substances are NOT good for vinyl LP's.
I will add my endorsement to Sdcampbell's recommendation. I have been using an alcohol and distilled water formula almost identical to his for 20 years on several thousands of records with no ill effect. The only difference is the use of 92% isopropyl (also from the local drug store) and the addition of about 10 drops of Kodak Photo-flo as a wetting agent.
If you want record cleaning formulas goto

The DIY section has lots of different brews.

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