Aesthetix Rhea - IO-IO Signature


is someone out there, who did listen to the Rhea and the IO in the same System ?
I would like to know the differences, I heard, the Rhea is very close to the IO ( or even IO Sign. ).

I listened some time ago to a few phono units in a private System ( Pass XONO, Manley Steelhead, Klyne 7PX3.5, Aesthetix Rhea ) and the Rhea was fine.

What I would like to know, specially from IO Owners who listened to the Rhea:
Is the IO way ahead or not ?
Honest anwer is preferred, I know the price difference of the IO and Rhea, but they are made from the same designer.

another question:
Is the difference between IO and IO Sign. huge ?

Thanks for reading
I believe Albert Porter is intimately familiar with both of these units. He owns the IO and has demoed the Rhea.

He's currently in Europe doing several shows. His shedule is posted here somewhere, perhaps you could arrange to run into him. If not, you may have to wait a couple of weeks until he gets home. I don't know if he has the time to keep up with A'gon threads as much as he normally does.

Hello Jphii,

The lamp is called "Tizio," and it's made by Artemide. You can get it at the Museum of Modrn Art design shop among many other places, including Artemide dealers. There are many knock-offs. Get the original!
Hi Joe,

Lapaix gave you the right info. It's a good one, it holds always the balance and is a timeless classic, there is a seperate stand for it available, too.
Sorry for getting off topic but how do you like your ZYX? And, what would you compare it to in another brand? Nice system, BTW.