Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

I have never met Stevemj. I keep reading the same posts over and over, with only a few words changed
here and there, on my computer. I have come to the inevitable conclusion that since I have seen no proof with my own eyes that Stevemj is actually a human and not a computer generated series of ones and zeros, there is, in fact, no Stevemj. Since I have not seen him, he does not exist. Works for me. Seems to work for him too. As for the humans on the site, can we get on with our favorite hobby now and have some fun?
Chah! Steve I wish you would tell us the real reason you may be leaving. Is your vote total a bit down?
Not in the high end business any more? Don't know how your product sounded but I am sure the Spec. sheet was immaculate.
Kevperro - Psychology is real. Check out my little story in a post to sean on the Science or Psychology thread. It's a true story.