Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

Not in the high end business any more? Don't know how your product sounded but I am sure the Spec. sheet was immaculate.
Kevperro - Psychology is real. Check out my little story in a post to sean on the Science or Psychology thread. It's a true story.
No money - How do your phono cables sound when you point the arrows in the wrong direction? Try it out.
Steve, I don't have phono section, sorry. I can't reverse the balanced set of Transparent. In the not so distant past I accidently hooked up a set backwards ( network at source ) and it didn't sound right. Listened for an hour before finding what the heck was going on. I thought it was just cable that needed to be broken in until I investigated. Maybe it was because of the whole network thing that it was so obvious? Haven't tried it on non-networked cables. Steve, I think it might benefit you to at least list what components you like? own? feel do make a difference? It is hard to make a point if no one knows what your preferences are when it comes to audio.
No money:

You should work for the State Department, so diplomatic.
Obviously, stevemj has an "axe to grind" and is not interested in any opinion but his own. It is to his detrement that he is so closed minded about an issue that can be easily resolved by simply listening to diferent cables in his system. Does he have a stereo system?