I've finally lost it

Dear Fellow Audiophiles,

(This greeting sounds so much like the one in Signal Cables’ ads)

I heave a heavy cry for help hoping sane audiophiles, if any exists at all, can come to my aid.

(Looking at recent threads such as the one by Rick Schultz, I fear there’s few out there)

In the past few months, I’ve been in a terrible turmoil: a sickness, a disease.

I don’t understand it at all. So, I beseech your guidance, knowledge and, most of all, a good ass kicking for I fear I am that far from adopting a new religion to save my damned shoe horn.

Until a few months ago, I casually avoided all things analog as I perused through the audio pages be it web or hardcopy. I was only interested in monitors, quaint looking amps and redbook non-os cd players and dacs. But, as of these few months, I can’t get analog out of my head.

I have purchased a total of THREE LPs in the past month. I have maybe 200-300 LPs in a box that I purchased before CDs became prevalent to me in 1989. And, I hardly and ever will hardly listen to any of them ever again. Yet, analog hardware are hopping around my head like Daffy Ducks swimming around Elmer Fudd’s head after he sufferes a great accident.

I can’t keep my eyes off my laptop’s screen as I search for more and more information on turntables. What makes them tick? How do you make them sound better? Which brands are good? How much should I spend? MC or MM?

I’ve leaned towards the VPI Scout or Aries at first. But, I have a dreaded pet peeve against MDF as one of my speakers is made completely of MDF which I thought sounded awkwardly unnatural. I looked to Michell Technodec and Gryo SE which I still think are worthy choices. However, lately I found a review of Positive Feedback’s review of Bluenote’s polyvinyl Bellavista package which includes the Bellavista turntable, the Borghese tonearm and the Boboli cartridge.

I read the review with complete concurrence with every paragraph. Usually, I think Positive Feedback is just that. They have positive feedback for every product they’ve reviewed. However, somehow I felt this review has more journalistic weight than usual. I started researching all things Bluenote.

This isn’t the first time I became hawkish on one particular brand. I did fall heads over heels for 47 Labs as their Gaincard demonstrated to me a new level of resolution through the application of simple materials and set up. I still have the urge to get a Pitracer once I hit the lotto. However, this Bluenote thing doesn’t make any sense at all.

I have a total of THREE LPs that I want to listen to.
I am planning to buy the Bellavista Signature table, the U3 Singature tonearm, an Ortofon Kontrapunkt A or B cart as I read the Bluenote’s arms like heavy carts, and I want Bluenote’s own Phono1 MC phono preamp. I haven’t started nickel and diming the dealers yet, but I think I will spend close to $4000 by the time I am done not including wires and accessories. This means, at current time and purpose, it will be costing me $1333 for me to to play ONE LP.

Atleast with the 300 or so CDs that I listen to and about 200 CDs that are boxed up, the marginal return on investment on a Pitracer will be about $500 per CD. Still INSANE but not as INANE as the turntable investment! Nevertheless, I want a turntable!! I don’t know WHY. Maybe they LOOK sexy. Maybe I just want a new toy. Maybe I have some shortcomings that I want to emotionally supplement. I can’t figure it out!!

Anyways, I am posting hoping for moral or analog support. Even if I do end up splurging on this stupid turntable, at least I hope I spend my money intelligently as stupid as this whole ordeal seems to me.

My GF says I just want to spend money. Either she is making sense, or she’s turning into one of those controlling wives that has problem with the hobby of HIFI which I will need to hit the dating scene again if that is the case.


I have been going through similar convulsions over the last couple of years. Major investments (relative to my finances)in a series of speaker and electronics upgrades.

One of the things I have not regretted in the least was springing for a decent turntable. However, I bought a Rega Planar 25, with a budget Benz Micro cartridge, so it is a more modest incursion to analog country than you have been contemplating.

I've been enjoying wonderful vintage vinyl, picked up for peanuts. Sounds great compared to much more expensive CD kit; some of the treasures cannot be found on CD. On the other hand, it will take some discipline not to completely fill the family home with vinyl I may never listen to. Teenagers may move out soon though.
Well Viggen,

You are speaking from the outside looking in -- and I am speaking as someone who has started with lower priced turntables (had many different models and combinations) and has worked his way up to pricier models... I know what you get as you climb that ladder.

In other words, I'm speaking from actual experience, and you're only guessing...
People like this should not be allowed to spend money, without parental supervison.
it does sound a little like you might be more into the process of shopping around and researching than actually needing the tool to do a job (a TT is a tool, right?)
that being said, being a vinyl over digital guy, I say go for it and open that Pandora's box.
one thing you might do: isn't there a friendly dealer in your area with good TTs who would actually let you bring in your front end and your 3 lps and let you listen? or what about using the Agon network to see if someone in your area (audio club?) who has a good TT would do the same?
last thought: don't forget that with high priced cartridges, every time you play an LP costs you parking meter change - not like digital!
Common sense dictates that you ought to get someone to copy the three LPs onto CDs. However, life would be dull if we always used common sense. Try to find some other irrational project that costs less.