Purist Audio, Elrod or Shunyata power cord?

Hi all,

Need some advice on the power cord for my amp.
I tried many other cables out there, and burned lots of cash still could not bring the desire performance.

I have tried many out... now am consider changing the power cord from the amp and the speaker cable.
I have Purist Audio, Elrod, and Shunyata on my list...
But envy you guys, I do not have a way to audition all of the cables from the list.
I also don't have the budget for a 3000+ cable, and will like to start work my way up to bring the desire performance.

My components are as follow:

Meridian G08 cd player
interconnect from cd to pre:Tara Lab The One+FGS interconnect.
power for cdp: MIT Oracle AC1

Edge Sign. One preamp.
interconnect from pre to power: MIT Oracle 350
power for pre amp: Hand made brand Shark silver.

Edge G8 amp.
power for amp: Liner Acustic OCC copper.

Speaker: Ascendo system E
Speaker Cable: Analysis Plus Solo Crystal.

What are your opinions if what I am trying to get out of is the vivid "body" that's got details, big sound stage, deep base but not too lean or warm at mid. to bring the as-real-as-live kind of sound?

any suggesstion is appreciated.


Thanks for the respon Uli, unforturnaly I do not know the way to contect David Elrod... Does he got a mail I could reach?
The cable you recommond good, but I wonder how will the Elrod Sign.3 will perform as someone had told me they bring great result to his system.
Plus, the Sign. is more price friendly and will be more fun to work the way up.


And thanks for your suggestion for the Omega Mikro PC, Rushton. Because I have no previous experience with it and that wasn't on my shopping list, I will need to do more research on it. Thanks for all the links. :)
I will check it out.


I have been through quite a few power cords myself. I'm currently happy with Shunyata cords on the front end componants and Elrod on my monoblocks. You don't say what your budget is outside of not wanting a $3000+ cord. If shopping smart and buying used, you could obtain a Shunyata King Cobra or Anaconda Vx for your cd player, a Elrod EPS-2S for your preamp and an Elrod EPS-3S for your amp all for under $2500. I think you would be very happy. That being said, I haven't heard any Purist power cords.
Thanks Jmcgrogan2, It's like you read my mind... the Elrod EPS-3S is what's on my mind now. Not too expensive and lots of good news about its effect on the amp. Still room to move up if desire. The only problem is I could not find a dealer around... nor get it used on audiogon...
Would you think the Anaconda Vx would be better than the MIT Oracle AC1 I am currently running through my source? Just got the AC1 and compared with some other brand and it brings out good dynamic... Would Anaconda Vx top that? Asking that because I have not yet try it out yet. ( And don't think I will be able to audition one near by)
I run the 3 Signatures to my Lamm's. Quite happy. You can find some good deals on them here on A-gon. I replaced Shunyata Anaconda with the Elrods. Nice cord.