Solid Maple vs Butcher Block

Does anyone have any experience with solid maple vs maple butcher block? Solid maple is expensive but there is a relatively local facility that manufacturers maple butcher block that is affordable. I can get 2.875" (or thinner) maple butcher block cut to my requirements.

I am specifically looking at the butcher block for speaker stands. Now my speakers are spiked through carpet onto concrete.

But any "real" experience would be appreciated. If someone has compared the two for turntable stands or amp stands I would appreciate their observations.
My experience is that platforms of the same height, if made of different materials, sound different. Even between 4 inch maple butcher block and 4 inch solid maple.
I hate when there is math involved. But just for the record, a 4" platform could also have 2" spikes. If no changes are made to the spikes or feet on the speakers then all drivers are raised by 6".
The height of the footer might or might not matter, depending on the length of your legs...