regular vinyl pressings

I personally prefere vinyls pressed in europe(Germany, UK and Netherlands in particular) over the US made ones. More than half of my vinyl collection is from europe.
That's the sonic signature on most of them that is pleasing me more than in the same US record.
The only exception on US pressed albums is EG edditions.
If you would shopp for regular(non-MFSL or direct-to or 1/2speed) vinyls which pressing would you prefere?
psychic, give dave a break - he got into this audiophile-thing not too long ago; w/guys like us here on a-gon, he's picking up many tips on being a cheapskate! ;~) now, both you *and* david need to invest about $300 into a modded di/o dac & enjoy digital audio playback for the FIRST TIME! ;~)

regards to all, doug s.

ps - sorry marakanetz, if we kinda trashed your original thread here, but does it bring it close to being back on-topic, if i say a modded art di/o will get ya *very* close to the best analog has to offer? this, from a died-in-the-wool analog junkie! :>) a couple folks with which i've had off-forum discussions, and who have *far* more experience w/*far* more expensive digital *and* analog rigs than me, have said the di/o is even better than their big-bucks analog rigs - rigs that make my oracle look like a grade-school phono-box...

Sedond,you know what's going on w/ those tube monoblocks I'm about to audition in my living room...
OK, Sedond, I'll bite- what's a modded di/o DAC? Email me if you prefer.

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