Basis 1400/benz/rb250/300

ok, i know i've joined or posted a few analog threads recently.
my apologies in advance.

here's my dilemma:
recently added the project phono box simply to have access to my small, but cherished vinyl collection, with a kenwood kd44r dd table i inherited from my father.
my rogue 99mag does not have phono option.
also, i hesitated to purchase high end analog because i was unsure if i would expand beyond my 30 lps.

well, in the last 5 days i've acquired 20 new lps and have about 2 dozen more on hold at a local shop.
my interest has alerted the owner of a vinyl store to go diggin through "storage" for titles i'm looking for not on the shelves. so i see no end to vinyl purchases.

yesterday i picked up a mint gov't mule 'dose' 2lp set which friggin kills my copy on disc, and my table is crappy.
also got a nm columbia 6eye brubeck newport '58, awesome.
have 5 more brubeck 6eyes on hold.

anyway, i had kinda settled on a basis table as my entry into highend analog.
from what i hear, the basis 1400 with modded rega arm would make me really happy for quite some time.

so, while shopping for vinyl at, i find they have basis 1400 specials,and free shipping to 1st time buyers.

i will not be able to upgrade both my analog front end and phono preamp.
so here goes:

1) $1425 gets me a basis 1400, rb250 and benz mc silver or gold. for $200 more, i get a rb300 instead.

2) for $1650 i get basis 1400, rb250 and benz ace. rb300 for $200 more.

3) finally $1800 ets me a basis 1400, rb 250 and benz glider. again $200 more gets me rb300.

what to do?????????????????
my project phono states it supports both mm and mc cartridges, but each of the benz carts come in different output flavors. from what i understand i should go as low as i can go, but my phono preamp will be a limiting factor for awhile. eventually i will splurge for proper phono amplification but am debating the rogue phono stage vs. outboard unit such as ear's phono stage.
glider and ace/ .3, .8 and 2.5 mv
gold .4 mv
silver 2 mv

is the rb300 worth the extra $200? i suspect yes.
does the glider clearly elevate the table/arm above the ace?

would it be better for me to put $200 extra bucks into the arm OR the cartridge, OR should i go buckwild and do both?

thanks in advance for those that read my posts and address my questions.
for those more knowledgeable/experienced, i'm sorry if this is redundant.

While I don't have direct experience, I did a lot of research on the Basis and rega arms a while back. My conclusion was that your best bet is to stay with the rb250 and to apply the $200 to upgrading it with one of the aftermarket counterwieghts and wiring kits, principally those from Origin Live or Express Machining. I think your $200 will get you well on your way. Everyone seems to think the upgraded 250 bests even the rb600 arm, though, as I say, I don't have personal experience.
I've got the Basis 1400 with RB300 and a Benz Micro ACE low output. Life is beautiful! I love listening to my vinyl. I'm using an Electrocompaniet Phono stage, and it drives the low output Benz ACE exceptionally well. Total blackness in the backround. Nothing but music. This set-up actually made me wonder why others spend more on their set-ups. By the way, I went through a Clearaudio Champion Level 1 and a Nottingham Spacedeck, and decided to go for the Basis. I haven't looked back.
I will pass this on to you........................
if funds are tight and you're not sure, get a Musichall MMF-7. Believe me, you cannot go wrong with that table. It sounds great, comes with a very nice Goldring high output moving coil and is quite the looker. The Sumiko Project 9 tone arm is no slouch either.All that for $850.00!?!?

Good luck!
I agree with Drubin about getting the RB250 modded later on as being a better value than the 300. As for the cart, go with the med (.8mv) output ACE (about 80% of the Glider in performance) and this should work with your current phonostage and compliment a higher quality one you buy later. Enjoy the vinyl!
I third that opinion about going for a modded RB250 and a Benz Ace. I've got a medium output model on the Origin Live 250 (on a Rega P3, though...) and the combo makes lovely sound.
