Any speaker cable's sound quality just blown you away?

Among all of the tons of speaker cable out there, which model has stood out in your mind as the best that you have ever heard, and why? If you remember the audio system (especially the speakers) that you heard them with should prove to me most informative. What was the configuration (i.e. single run, shot-gun, bi-wire, or tri-wire), and the length? We know most are looking for a great cable at a little price, while we all dream of the ultimate cable in our audio system. And with so many companies out there making good stuff, it seems that more offen than not, the best sounding cable, though definitely not the cheapest, is not the most expensive either. What is your experience?
As a former user of Kimber 8TC on my ProAc Response 3s (now replaced by Gallo Ultimates) Ican honestly say that I've found MapleshadeCleaview (Double Golden Helix) cables to be superior in every way. I was using bi-wired Kimbers and Pierre Sprey of Mapleshade recommended going with single links and a pair of his jumpers (thin copper foil). At $280for an 8-foot pair, I think it's an outstanding bargain too.
I agree with sdcampbell that the best cable should be the cable that seems to be the most neutral. To me that would be the cable that doesn't lose what I'm looking for or add what another cable does. My personal favorite is the Synergistic Research Res Ref. I run it, currently in double runs to my main speakers. I was running one set to each speaker, and recently went to double runs due to a deal I couldn't pass up. To be truthful, the difference is very slight when going to double runs. That is how good the single set is. I have listened to them with Watts, Dunlavys, Coincidents, and B&Ws and with a myriad of electronics. When friends are looking for cables, I offer to let them listen to mine in their system. Each speaker/system has performed as expected. None have had a similar emphasis in any sonic way. This would lead me to believe the cabling has no sonic signature, and just carries what it is given.--Be it good or bad.
I agree with Mr. Campbell, a cable should not "blow you away." Speakers can do this, however. Even if you are using lamp cord there should not be a huge difference among cables. The SPM's in my system sounded less focused than a good silver cable. Some of the silver cables I have tried are: Silver Audio, Silver Smith, Pure Note, and Kimber 4AG. These cables all sounded different, some were brighter and others more musical. The jury is still out on my choice.
I was blown away upgrading from DH Labs Silversonic T14 to Analysis PLus Oval 9. A completely different sound. Wider, deeper, more focused, and much fuller.
I disagree with Mr. Campbell. (though I still think he's a great guy). I was actually blown away when I replaced my nordost red dawn/harmonic tech/analysis+ cabling with all nordost quattro-fil i/c's and spm speaker cable. My friend who was there too was blown away too. My system's resolution increased tremendously. (it should have given the cost increment!) Much more of a difference than I would have thought possible. I find these cables simply increased the resolution of the system. I did try several other cables, and to me, they were the best. This initial test was done using ARC vt100m2, ARC Ref 1, and Vandersteen 5's.

I also used these with audio physic virgo's, magnepan 1.6QR's, and now audio physic avanti-centuries. They just have this grain free, very open, high resolution quality to them. Some other silver cables had the same high resolution, but at the expense of this graininess or harshness.

Some speakers which emphasize low level detail a little less, like the vandersteens (and the magnepans), do not benefit as much. Others such as the Audio Physic avanti-centuries, see enourmous benefits. I'm not knocking vandersteens or magnepans - they excell over the AP's in other areas. (bass and orchestral soundstage)

One thing I found interesting is that my magnepan 1.6's and some borrowed wolcott p220's produced some of the best sound I have ever heard using these cheap brown and black kimber biwire cables I obtained on a trade. Magnepans have this slight (very), very low level background noise to them that seems to make big-dolla speaker cables less effective.