Thanks for the input folks. One at a time: Greg, yeah, I'll probably just have RIAA if it's close enough. As far as geometry goes, VTA that's close for 78 and correct for 33 will probably be good enough, but you have a point where overhang is concerned if I got an SME, since their headshells are fixed-hole design, with a sliding tonearm base - that would be a problem. Jim, I play a lot of 45's, and have basically ruled out Rega because of the lack of an eletronic speed change control - I don't want to lift off the platter every time I want to change speeds. Brulee, I only own maybe a couple hundred 78's right now - I can't say I really know how they sound, because I've been playing them on a vintage blonde-wood Columbia all-in-one tabletop record player, which is cool but not exactly high fidelity. Gthrush, I had been trying to avoid multiple 'arms, but it may turn out to be the easiest thing - if I can get a 'table I like that'll take more than one and do 78rpm (does the PLC work with a lot of different manufacturer's motors?). As far as phono stages go, I'm unclear on why you imply I would need one per cartridge, though - couldn't I just swap input leads? Psychicanimal, I'll definitely check out what can be done with the 1200 - I already have the Michell clamp for it, as well as a tonearm wrap and a sorbothane mat, and I realize that it's a well-built machine, but the platter does ring and I'm curious to try good belt-drive with full suspension. The damper sounds interesting though, and if I got the 78 conversion done I could keep it as my second 'table if I get something better for 33. I wonder, did you (or can you?) get the tonearm cable upgraded in addition to the lead-out wires? - doing this is something I've been considering too. Zmrs13, cool tip, I'll take a look at the site. Again, thanks for all the responses!