Can't say for sure as i've never heard a T-2, but Nelson's earliest preamps were all known for sounding bright and analytical. One relatively honest reviewer categorized them as being "painstakingly accurate". He ranked the Threshold 10 very highly right next to a relatively "euphonic" sounding tube preamp. One gave you the details while the other sounded veiled but more musical.
I would also agree that there are a LOT of bad "rock" recordings. As such, why not start at the source and check into a tubed or smoother sounding SS CD player ? I know that you may love your Wadia ( or at least the reputation and prestige ), but that doesn't mean that it is "right" for you or your system. Sean
I would also agree that there are a LOT of bad "rock" recordings. As such, why not start at the source and check into a tubed or smoother sounding SS CD player ? I know that you may love your Wadia ( or at least the reputation and prestige ), but that doesn't mean that it is "right" for you or your system. Sean