It's been a few months since I posted something controversial and Carl's gone, dammit, so... quit whining! If they don't give you something for nothing you're going to take your ball and go home? Nobody forced you to spend ridiculous amounts of money on a questionable purchase. How can you be surprised when the wizard who conned you in the first place thinks he can get you, yet again.
It doesn't matter what sort of alchemy goes into the wire, it all starts and stops at the terminations you can buy at any parts house and attach with a little information and 50 bucks worth of tools. Garden hose, fire hose, so what. Why do you think nobody makes a banana or spade that accepts more than #10 wire? OK, maybe the water-filled stuff could be a problem, but the Parts Connection has WBT,CCMS, Kimber, etc connectors that are no more than $100 a set. The pure, unplated copper CCMS spades are $26! And then there's the bare wire school. You think if you cut the cord off at the termination yourself you'll let the magic escape?
I'm not questioning anyone's perception of the value of spending whatever you please on cables, if you hear a difference, go for it. What I am saying is that if an investment is important enough to take a major position, know it. We're not talkng about circuit design here, just connecting a piece of wire to a piece of metal. Nervous about cutting into a $2500 item? What's the downside? You can always send the wire and the $1800 to the manufacturer and say your dog chewed it.