Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords

Is it just me or has anyone else ever felt amazed after hearing a low-priced power cord breathe new life into their formerly congested sounding over-priced cosmetically corded system? WAIT!! I know the answer because the question has been asked before......but probably not about the Absolute
Power Cord. I wondered if anyone else has tried this particular cord and what their impressions were. Thanks
You bastard, why the hell are letting the cat out of the bag??? Like you I've wasted thousands of hard earned dollars on hyped up power cords with inflated four digit price tags just to be disappointed time after time. Each & every single one of them highly colored and hifi sounding. I recently discovered The Absolute PCs, open, musical, and natural; everything seems breathe right, no coloration, no hifi, just music. The only thing wrong with it is the price. I was really adamant initially, but what the hell at the price I couldn't resist trying them, just to be amazed at what a REAL power cord could do for my system, screw all the boutique shit. I guess as audiophiles we can't accept value for money, we must get shafted really well before believing in a product. For once there's something great in high end without us having to take a second mortgage to afford and you can't keep your big mouth shut! What are you thinking Krjr? Have you sold off your shafty, high priced cords yet? I still have to dump mine on these pages and you're ruining it for the rest of us. What do you think will happen once Absolute Power Cord people realize the true value of their product? RAISE THEIR PRICE YOU IDIOT!!!!!. Even worse, what if one of the big boys decide to buy them out and just dress their cords with worthless thick tubing and fancy mesh & label so they can charge mega bucks for the same cord. Of course the extra decoration will probably interfere with the sonic purity of these cords, but hey who cares we're audiophiles and are used to getting shafted and then dumping the latest, bestest and greatest on these pages for a big loss!!!
No, I do not work for Absolute Power Cord Company. My day job is a circuit designer. Fully explainable solutions to electrical problems. A world seen as black or white...no gray here, no sir. But that knowledge didn't stop the audiophile in me to plunk down thousands over the years (I'm 47 years young) on power conditioners and power cords. A cord the diameter of an elephant trunk? Sure! Not a problem. You say my system will sound better if I buy elevators for my speaker cables? Sure! Not a problem. And spray them with anti-static spray? Sure! Oh, I almost forgot. I must remember to de-magnetize them and be sure to burn them in with my favorite break-in disk or cable burner!
Come on people! Why are some of you skeptical when it comes to purchasing an Absolute Power cord just because it doesn't cost a lot of green? I have personally wasted more money on a bad steak dinner! Ok, let me wrap this up. I bought an Absolute Power Cord because I'm willing to try anything to get me closer to the musical event. And they are damn good. So good as a matter of fact that the Big Rig is now fed 100% through Absolute Power Cords. So what are you waiting for? Don't let the low price keep you from purchasing-they truely are amazing.

FYI---The Big Rig:
Altis CDT-3 transport
Museatex Bi-Dat D/A
Lamm L-2 linestage
Manley 300B Retro amplifiers
JM Labs Mini Utopia speakers
Equi=Tech 2Q line balancer
Bear Labs interconnects & speaker cables
Kharma digital interconnect
Zoethecus stands
Argent Room Lenses
Gentlemen. I saw the ad for absolute power cords and sent Bill Parish at GTT.gttgroup.com and e-mail last Monday,April 05/2001. I was curious and Bill immediatedly replied explaining he has found them neutral enought to use on lamm and burmester gear...Remember, everything is synergy. I'm not looking for the best, I'm looking for the parts that make the whole complete. The only separate power cord in my system is on the simaudio 4070SE which John Poulin, the designer, says should be run directly into the wall..So, I figured, at $39US, it would be a small gamble. I ordered it and received it on Friday...Caanada customs, you know....I played some cassandra wilson and then put on the absolute and from the the first notes of the first song realized I had never heard the amp just disappear like this before...actually the power cord fitted in with the acoustic zen cables perfectly. Now I know a lot of people will be upset that a cable only costs 39US and can do this...All I say is to each his own....if it works and makes you happy, go fo it....I must say Bill Parish is a fine chap to talk to and deal with....everytime you find a good dealer, like Jody, at brooklyn audio, here in Nova Scotia, it helps make audio fun. And this should be fun and enjoyable....after all, it is the music, not the equipment....but the cords are good. How good? I have no way of finding out[nor at this time do I care]. I'm just enjoying the music....anyone need some snow? I can send it fedex.....Bluenose
Man you guys a paraniod! Everybody is allways complaining about how power cords are so overpriced and now you want to accuse someone who points a good ( I hope ) cheap one out, of being part of the company??? For 39 bucks it is worth a shot.