Which flat spkr. cable to use

I need to connect B&W 802 matrix to Lev. 383 with some flat speaker cables about 7' long. I intend to run under the wall to wall carpet and in one place the cable will be stepped on by people walking on the carpet. All responses would be welcome! Thanks....Bob
Ag insider logo xs@2xsnooker14
I would not put any decent cable where it will be stepped on, could damage cable. That said Geortz, Analysis Plus, Nordost make flat cables. For reasonable cost Analysis Plus and Geortz.

If it were me and I had to place speaker cables where people walk over then I would use aluminum door thresholds and paint to match carpet, running cables under them, preventing damage to cables.
Snooker: I at one point ran two pairs of cables (for bi-amping) across the threshold of a door that has heavy traffic. We have plaster/cement floors with acrylic carpeting covered by rugs. I built a channel box out of wood and brass screws and routed out a space in the plaster/cement to house the channel box (the carpet and rugs went over this). If I had wooden floors with space below them, I would have just drilled holes to run the cable underneath the floor. We rent and I did not feel that this was a big deal because I can always fill in the sub floor (which I will be doing soon because my setup is about to change). That said, I had considered Analysis Plus oval cable before I tried this other setup with Kimber Kable. I felt that walking on cable was just asking for trouble, plus cable, IMO, should not be touching synthetic materials as used in most carpet pad and carpet. If you do not have wood floors, perhaps just a shallow channel would work.