Powersnakes power cords

I just purchased a Black Mamba powercord. It is one of tne best upgades I have done to my system. Any comments from other users
Samuel, you must not know me too well. If you've read the past power cord threads you'll find I'm one of the vocal for power cords. I've found some excellent cords and some that do not work so well with my equipment. As Sharri stated, my experience is that certain cords match well with certain equipment. Please check out the post I made "the winter lessons" and you'll see a complete rundown on my trials of power cords. I do however believe the snakes are over rated compared to the market, but that is strickly my opinion.
Khaki I've found that power cords are so equipment sensitive that I hesitate to recommend any one brand. I've tried most (again winter lessons) and today have two BMI Whale one on my PS300 and one on my amp.(best value I know of, extremely neutral) NBS Statement, extremely open and I believe "the perfect match" for my SCD-1, and a Fatboy that will be replaced with a whale soon.
Indeedy. Power Snakes are no snake oil -- they do what they're supposed to do. I've got them throughout my system and I'm a happy puppy. Now, has anyone actually heard the Hydra versus the other two supposedly truly really good power conditioners: The Sound Application ($5000) and the Ensemble Mega PowerPoint?
Sherri - A word about radio frequency signals. We are awash in RF. Every cubic inch of our houses is filled with RF. The TV and radio stations fill the air with RF. It radiates into everything that is not shielded. Its in the speaker boxes. Its in the preamp and amplifier. The good news is that we cannot hear it or we would go crazy. Also, audio amps and preamps cannot amplify it and are not bothered by it under normal conditions. And, speakers are a dead end for RF. If a speaker and its unshielded wire were placed in front of a 100,000 watt broadcast antenna it wouldn't make a sound.
You are up to your old tricks again. You are just as ignorant as before. Why don't you quit trying to tell people that they cannot hear the effects of RF and EMI interference in auido componenets?
Steve's correct. RFI and EMI won't affect audio gear, at least correctly designed components with proper shielding and RF decoupling and filtering. And a power cord certainly isn't going to do anything to help, except that it provides AC power.