Powersnakes power cords

I just purchased a Black Mamba powercord. It is one of tne best upgades I have done to my system. Any comments from other users
I would add that there are many exceptional power cords deserving of audition, and a number of them can enhance the listening experience on a par with major component upgrade.
I completely disagree with you Jade, that power cords are "a hoax and a pure waste of money". I think comments like that serve little purpose other than to troll for attention and polarize what was an even handed dialogue. Your qualifying comments aside, it's pretty clear you're making a concerted attempt to incite rancor or, well, I'll not hazard a guess.

My many trials and experiments have lead me to believe that a music system's power-lines and the type and pedigree of the power supplies in the components we use, provide the very foundation of realism in music reproduction. There are countless hobbyists who squander thousands of dollars on component upgrades with nary a backwards glance to their power-lines. Or worse, they simply buy whatever AC bandaid is popular at the moment, without taking the time to listen to a variety of AC alternatives.

No less attention should be paid power-line optimization than that paid to the choice of one's amplifiers, source and speakers.

Dedicated lines, high grade outlets and top quality, synergized power cord selection has done as much to improve my listening experience as anything else in the signal chain. I've spent a lot more money on speakers, different preamps etc that did more to change the "flavor" of music's presentation rather than improve resolution, or absolute sound quality.

As MegaSam said, all components, power cords, cables etc change, color, or shift the character and presentation of music and sound. The $100 question is, Jade, which of these groups of products, individual cords or components have the proper balance and resolving powers that draw us all the way in to the music listening experience? The answer is as different and individual as each of our sytsems and tastes in music.

The holy grail of audio is individual time spent in exploration and the encouragement of the same in others, some of whom only too readily visit these sites in search of quick answers, and IMO, there are too many willing to give them.

I think if any hobbyist curious about power cords put together an audition list that includes AC cords from Electraglide, NBS, FIM, BMI, Audio Magic, PowerSnakes and JPS they'll come away with a profound apprecation of the effect a power cord can have on the sonic of a music system...which is best? Depends on system, taste, music, environment..how many pages can I write for? You get the idea.

Nice post Mega, I was a little more put off by the self important tone than you were.
Samual: If you will reread Jadem6's post you will see that he is not against upgraded PC's as a whole and that he does not think them all to be "hype". He just does not care for this particular one, which is his prerogative as I see it. By the way are you affiliated with the company that makes this cord?
Samuel, you must not know me too well. If you've read the past power cord threads you'll find I'm one of the vocal for power cords. I've found some excellent cords and some that do not work so well with my equipment. As Sharri stated, my experience is that certain cords match well with certain equipment. Please check out the post I made "the winter lessons" and you'll see a complete rundown on my trials of power cords. I do however believe the snakes are over rated compared to the market, but that is strickly my opinion.
Khaki I've found that power cords are so equipment sensitive that I hesitate to recommend any one brand. I've tried most (again winter lessons) and today have two BMI Whale one on my PS300 and one on my amp.(best value I know of, extremely neutral) NBS Statement, extremely open and I believe "the perfect match" for my SCD-1, and a Fatboy that will be replaced with a whale soon.
Indeedy. Power Snakes are no snake oil -- they do what they're supposed to do. I've got them throughout my system and I'm a happy puppy. Now, has anyone actually heard the Hydra versus the other two supposedly truly really good power conditioners: The Sound Application ($5000) and the Ensemble Mega PowerPoint?
Sherri - A word about radio frequency signals. We are awash in RF. Every cubic inch of our houses is filled with RF. The TV and radio stations fill the air with RF. It radiates into everything that is not shielded. Its in the speaker boxes. Its in the preamp and amplifier. The good news is that we cannot hear it or we would go crazy. Also, audio amps and preamps cannot amplify it and are not bothered by it under normal conditions. And, speakers are a dead end for RF. If a speaker and its unshielded wire were placed in front of a 100,000 watt broadcast antenna it wouldn't make a sound.