Rediscovering vinyl - Question about phono preamp

OK so i get the urge to listen to some of those records which have been packed away for some time but don't have a phono preamp. So down to the local hi-fi shop I go and pick up a NAD PP1 phono preamp. Don't need anything too elaborate since my turntable is a mid-fi (at best) 15-20 yr old Dual. Back home everything is installed and the records cleaned, I pop on REO TWO and whoa, REO isn't supposed to sound this good. Their cd's generally sound terribly bright, but this sounds not bad at all. A week or so later I decide to a-b some cd's to records. What's this, my $125 TT is rivaling my $2200 cd player. No it is not quite as good, but pretty close. Now I'm thinking, "What would a $500-$800 sound like. Now I have the itch and have been looking at turntables ie MMF5 and 7 and Rega P3. I notice the MMF7 comes with MC cartridge. Question is will MC cartridge work with my NAD phono preamp? I know this needs to be upgraded but my budget only allows for one step at a time in which I would like to upgrade to a Lehmann Black Cube at a future date. So will it work or do I need to go with MM cartridge? Also what is the advantage/ disadvantages of MC cartridge? As always, thanks for the help.
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Thanks guys. Now my next decision is which brand TT. I'm leaning towards the MMF-7 over P-3. Seems many think a new table is preferable to a used, due to setup calibrations and such. Is this true? Guess I'll have to do some more homework on TT setup.
It depends. If it's suspended turntable, it needs to "sit down" first and than it starts to give it's real sound.
In general MM Cartridges with 3mV and higher are better than MC with 3mV+.
You're Right on MMF7 over P-3.
Great story. I had the same experience a year ago when I bought a $150 turntable (Denon) just to record my old records (many of which aren't available on CD), and couldn't believe they sounded better than my CDs! Of course, my CD player isn't as nice as yours!