Digital transmission cables

I am looking to upgrade the digital cable between my Altis Centauri transport and Altis Reference DAC. I currently use a Nordost Silver Shadow. It is very good, but perhaps there is something out there which would be an improvement. I've heard that the Kharma digital cable is excellent, but any other recommendations would be very helpful and much appreciated. Many Thanks.
If you are not hung up on price, I would recommend that you give the Mapleshade Double Helix digital IC a try for its natural presentation. If I had a larger budget I would have auditioned one of the IC's from Vantage Audio, but did not wish to waste their time on something that I cannot afford at the present. Both are available on a trial basis.
I use Illuminations Orchid (Balanced) between my CD Transport and DAC really like it a lot - very neutral and extended top and bottom.