Looking for warmer speaker cables


My Magnepan MMG's sound a bit bright with the DH Labs Silver Sonic T-14 cables. I tried swapping interconnects and I'll be honest, I can't tell a big difference between the four different kinds that I have. What cable would you recommend to tame some of the harshness to the top-end. I was looking into Oval 9's/12's or ZuCable Julians. Money is tight right now so I really don't want to spend much more than $300, preferably less.

I have an Audio Refinement Complete amp.

Thanks for your help.

Rich, great idea. But you forgot to urge caution when using lasers, which is necessary to protect agaisnt the possibility of pointing the laser directly into someone's eyes. I am told lasers have an obnoxious effect on human eyesight.
I had the same problem with a pair of MMG's I had, and then later with a pair of SMGc's. I solved the problem by placing a larger value power resistor across the tweeter attenuator posts in the back of the speaker. These are available at electronic parts supply houses, and can be bought in various sizes. Buy several different values and experiment -- I think you'll be surprised how much warmer your speakers will sound.
Hi Pete. Just a week and a half ago I switched from biwired DH Labs Silversonic T-14s to a single run of Analysis Plus Oval 9 and the improvement was dramatic. Before changing out the cables, my Sim Audio Moon I-5 feeding a pair of Sonus Faber Concertinos sounded thin and at times even a bit strident.

Right out of the box the difference was noticeable. The overall sound became much fuller, and almost all of the hash has disappeared. The biggest improvement came in the soundstaging. Wider, and MUCH deeper. By comparison, the DH Labs had a flat and in-your-face presentation. One caveat though. I've experienced a slight loss of detail.

I can't wait for this cable to break in. I'm not sure if the AP9s will have the same affect on your system, but they're working quite well in mine. In my system, the AP9s have proven to be a warmer and better imaging cable than the T14s.

If you're interested in buying new, contact Scott who's Audiogon username is Disco. He carries the APs, can burn-in the cables if you want to, and will give you great service. Otherwise, you'll be able to find plenty of used ones here at good prices.