John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"

Food for thought...
I remember seeing John at a seminar with Classe Audio at Cherry Creek Audio in Denver before this article was written. At that time, John was very vocal with his opinions about wire and bi-wiring. They were similar to what is written in this article. It was clear that, although he makes some very good gear, he is a technician first and an audiophile second, or third, or somewhere down there. If the placebo effect really works, then why have I not purchased every "sexy" or "highly touted" item I have auditioned? Why have I not been impressed with some highly regarded and well reviewed equipment? HMMMMMM! There's another one for you, John. By the way, the medical community has recently reversed itself, claiming that there is no such thing as a "placebo effect". Not long after the seminar, John came out with his own line of audiophile cables, so he could join the ranks of cable manufacturers perpetrating a fraud on the audiophile community. Would John agree that all amplifiers sound the same? What ever happened to those guys, and their double blind listening tests? Well, I've decided that all speakers sound the same. Whay buy a pair of SC-IVAs when my Cerwin Vegas sound the same? I think I'm onto something!
Oh yea, they do the disappering thing when ever you ask for a list of the equipment they use, or have heard. It's a pretty easy qestion.
It always surprises me to hear someone adamantly denying hearing any sonic differences between the various manufactured interconnects, and all the while condeming others that do. Without sarcasim meant, I honestly wonder if those that argue against these facts are possibly sonically deaf, or maybe it's their gear...I don't know. It truly perplexes me though, that they appear to be sincere audiophiles and do apparently appreciate music, still, they are unable to hear the tone, detail, or soundstage changes in their music, when equipment changes are made, yes even to include interconnects. I know I do, and if you don't, well stay with your Emerson clock radios and stop being a nuisance to others.