Lets pretend (cause it probably will not happen in real life) that your speaker has a strong impedance dip and drops from a nominal 8 ohms to say .25 ohms. If both cables were of simular guage then the longer ones could have a little more resistance in them and not deliver the exact same current to the speaker that the shorter one did at the frequency of the impedance dip. This type of situation is where the difference could be frequency selective.
I am impressed with your testing method. Three identical measurements with test signals would imply valid results. I for one feel that the differences are very large and would like to have others see if they can find results of this magnitude. Was the test conducted while only one speaker was playing? That would help to remove some reflection problems and the effects of the other speaker. Chris
I am impressed with your testing method. Three identical measurements with test signals would imply valid results. I for one feel that the differences are very large and would like to have others see if they can find results of this magnitude. Was the test conducted while only one speaker was playing? That would help to remove some reflection problems and the effects of the other speaker. Chris