tuners under 1000?

I'm new to the tuner game, mostly because I hate listening to commercials. I also didn't realize how good radio sounds coming through a high end system until recently.

Can anyone suggest a good tuner under $1000? It would be nice to find a tube tuner, since the rest of my system is tube. Any suggestions?
Check out these websites. Has information on most of the classic tuners.



Luxman from the late 70s early 80s are very tough to beat. Analogue and very musical. You need to step up to the Magnum Dynalabs and Sequerras to beat them. I've owned several tuners throughout the years and choose them.
Kt88, this is a question that comes up every month or two and seems to get pretty much the sames replies. The fact you requested a tube tuner is a little different than most and I am not familiar with those, but there are people that really like the tube tuners.

For best bang for your buck, I would recommend a vintage tuner. There were some great tuners made through the 70's and early 80's when they were more popular, for whatever reason.

As an example, I used the Fanfare FT-1A tuner for over a year, it is a nice tuner and I really enjoyed it, but I sold it and purchased a Yamaha T-2 from the late 70's early 80's. The T-2 has and edge, IMO, in performance but the Fanfare has the remote and presets. But I purchased the T-2 for $368!

I recommend that you spend a little time at this site: http://www.geocities.com/tunerinfo/

Also, you may want to contact Don Scott at bdscott@nac.net.
Creek T43, not tube, but a very warm sounding unit. I think you would like it. ~$700.