benz ruby

Hi, wondering if someone could tell me when the Ruby was made and what the difference is between the ruby and the ruby 2. I am considering buying a ruby used.
The current ruby 2 is extremely low output - .3 mv. They also make a ruby h which is higher - .8 mv I think.

Not very many phono stages can handle that low of an output. I am using a pass labs phono ono with my ruby 2. It has 76 db of gain and I find that to be an appropriate amount. I still have to use middle position gain on my pass labs aleph P preamp. I know the aesthetix IO is supposed to be a very good tube unit for low output cartridges.

The benz lukaschek is another that is mentioned as a very good match - some very knowledgeble people think it's the best best. TAS reviewed the ruby 2 and the lukaschek. The felt the lukaschek was an excellent phono, but noted that the pass labs XONO and a herron phono brought out a few more details.
Hi and thanks for the comments. Arm is OL rb250 and phono section has 66db of gain. I have been using a Dynavector Karat 17 with 23 output and while I have to turn the volume up to the half way point it seems to sound fine.
What I really would like to know is the difference in the ruby and the ruby 2. When did they stop making the ruby????
I think it was 1999 or 2000. You might want to check with Garth at Musical Surroundings. I seem to recall the old Ruby being around .2mv output, a very low number, and why I chose the Reference over it when I bought a Reference in 1998. When the Ruby 2 came out, I auditioned it, liked it a lot and upgraded at that point, and I seem to recall that being in early 2000. Hope this helps.
they came up with 2 series on almost all their higher-end carts and so far i've compared only gliders and M series i.e. benz M.09 vs benz M2. i found no differences between these cartridges and so i believe not too much can be found b-n ruby and ruby2.
a good step-up transformer + your current phonostage might make more sence budgetwise. i use with my lyra helikon Ortofon T1000 with great results.
if you have to bring volume behind 12o'clock you basically amplifying the weak signal instead of attenuating a strong one which brings me to the conclusion that you need either different phono or step-up transformer.