How to find vinyl?

I'm new in my area. I know how I could find CDs, but where do I look for vinyl?
All of the above ideas are great. Big cities usually have some good record stores (though not always) and most college towns are a safe bet for one or two decent record stores. It becomes a challenege at times. You may spend hours searching through thousands of old must records at some store...finding nothing but Air Supply, 80s metal, and 70s singer songwriter rejects, but there's usually a gem or two hidden in there somewhere. It's fun.
The above are all excellent suggestions. I usually don't have much time to go shopping personally, but a few years ago I came across a thread here that mentioned and These are huge sites that represent a number of dealers and they are a tremendous resource for finding vinyl on the internet. You are in for a great time treasure hunting no matter how you get your records. Good luck!
I go to the Atlanta record show every two months. There is plenty of vinyl being sold for a dollar each. Some are still sealed. Of course, there is an abundance of expensive rarities also. And I visit a friend's store in Chattanooga called Chad's Records and Tapes. He also sells at the Atlanta show.