most cables fall into 2 camps...detailed yet warm doesnt fit.
warmth kills detail.
most cables are very colored or too revealing. that is not a bad thing depending upon your system and taste.
the two camps are:
1. fast/images well (ie xlo, coincedent)
2. Bloom/body/warmth (cardas, tara, magnan)
i would try mixing and matching cables to see what sounds best. i have tried most cardas cables and they are too warm/colored for my system.the neutral refernce wasnt bad, but the xlo was still better imo and my system.
i have good luck with xlo seconds from fatwyre (it is a discolored signiture II) the cable is extremly neutral and doesnt get in the way of the music or components.awesome cable for the $$$. $300 for 1 meter pair.this is one of the most transparent cable i have heard ( including zen, harmonic, cardas, tara, etc..)i would start there or a used pair of xlo sig 2
the coincedent is pretty good also, but lacks the bottom end and incredible imaging of the xlo.but for the $$$, it is hard to beat.can be found for $175 is pretty close to neutral, the top end is pulled back in the smallest amount.
i have tried transparent plus in the balanced form- it greatest strength is it a very coherent cable ( have to hear it to understand, it is pretty amazing) but it is very, very recessed in the top octaves and has no air and top detail
may want to look at wireworld eclipse. i am expecting a pair of eclpse v this week. i will keep let you know.
take care & try to get as many cables as you can to find out what sounds best in your system. after a couple of trys your prefence will fall into one of the camps.