Questions about a new Ruby 2 cartridge

Just purchased a new Ruby 2 and it sounds lean and somewhat bright out of the box. Currently have it set at 47K, any ideas on break in time and loading. How about those cartridge break in boxes, are they worth the investment? System: VPI Aries,JMW arm, Klyne phono,AR pre,Rowland amp, Vandersteen 5 speakers, Hovland phono cable, other wire all Discovery. Thanks for any help, always a little disconcerting when you spend 3K and the sound is lacking.
Yeah...definitely play with the loading. I found 100ohms to be a little too compressed and dull. I did some research at it seemed like people recommended ranges from 300 to 29,000. The distributor recommended trying the 900ohm range and it worked for me. I ended up settling on 1000ohm Vishay resistors for my phono pre. VTA and tracking force also have a huge effect on the sound.
I too found that vta made a big difference. It will be bright sounding if the vta is too high.

I bought my table already set up with the new benz 2. It sounded very good as it was. Because it was FREE, I had my table tuned/adjusted by a local turntable god (and good friend). He's set up over 100 tables and spent over an hour on it. This made a HUGE improvement. The cartridge is not bright nor edgy at all.

For the loading, from the reviews I have read they settle on 22K or 47K. I use 47K. I use a basis 2500/gram2.2/qf tonearm/passlabsono.
I used the Ruby, too.
It needs about 50 hours playing time.
First it is like you wrote but it will become better and better. After 100 h it is great.
all new cart. need some playing time, some more, some less.
Your 47 k setting is the right one ( when other
setting - lower- sounds better, then is something wrong in your system ).
In your manual from the Klyne there is the right setting listed.
Definetly, VTA is important, I used it a touch higher in the back.
Thomasheisig, I wonder if you could explain your comment above, about system set-up being incorrect elsewhere if your Benz sounds better at, say, 1k ohm loading than 47k ohm. This is not my experience, not to the best of my knowledge what electrical theory would dictate, and not what B-M recommends.

B-M says to set loading at 400 ohms or below for the Ruby 2, although on my Glider M2 I have found it best to about double their recommendation of 200 or under, so Phil's suggestion above could be right on (allowing for variations due to differing phono cable resistances and overall system balance). The posters advocating 22k or 47k are in reality all recommending one thing: running the cartridge unloaded. In fact, all values above somewhere in the range of about 5-10k ohm will accomplish this, and will all sound alike. Frankly, I think if one's set-up doesn't sound right unless the cart is exhibiting the rising top octave and loose image focus that results from unloading an MC, *that's* when something must be wrong elsewhere.
Interesting, Zaikesman. The Benz Lukaschek phono pre is fixed at 22K, which is probably where some of this came from. But if you're right...

I just bought this pre used for my L2 cartridge. Don't have it yet. Hope it works out.