What's under YOUR turntable?

You're very welcome to be as informative as you wish.
(My apologies for borrowing on a similarly* titled thread in the Digital Forum.)
A 300 lb steel and lead laboratory isolation table. I got it at a local auction (actually it was in a lot of two and I sold the second one to a local Audiophile here on A'gon - Michael are you out of traction yet?!). I think it was made in the 1960's by a company called Vibrostat - I cannot find them listed in NY where they used to be, but similar laboratory isolation tables are still being produced by other companies and go for around $1200-1500, and probably cost your first-born to ship them anywhere. My TT is on inexpensive brass cones as well. Not recommended for the feint of heart, or weak of back! It takes two people to comfortably move either of the two parts of it. Seems to work very well, but I need to try it without the shock-absorber type springs on the four corners, as I think that may be an improvement. As it is, it is very sensitive to movement in the room. It is most definitely an overkill solution! I am just getting back into my vinyl so the jury is still out on this one!
TWL, after all that stuff stacked under the table, do you still have to lean over to put an LP and the TT???
A 65lb Nelson-Reed passive sub. It's not hooked up. I figured that it was designed to be acoustically neutral with no resonance and it's the perfect height for the table!
symposium point pods and a arcici suspense rack. SME 20/2 table. Those point pods make a amazing improvement!