Corporate Interests out to KILL Analog FM

Michael Powell, FCC Chairman, is determined to make a few hands control what we hear. If you have any interest in true diversity of music (not 500 channels playing the same poll tested songs) and ability to hear diverse view points I encourage you to see, for example, as well as search for IBOC using your favorite search engine like . Nothing is more central to our hobby than how we become aware of new song writers and perfomers including the important vehicle called low production cost and, hence more options, Analog FM Radio.
Analog FM died years ago. All they're now doing is throwing the body in the hole, and burying it with dirt!
Fatparrot where do you live? Clear Channel Communications City?

Come to the ocean of ideas know as Community Radio (see ) and once in a while: NPR. FM can be truly a wonderful sonic pleasure on a good uncompressed signal and a diversity of ideas.
fm is not dead, anymore than vinyl is. I listen to the radio often, and more and more often. Every city I've ever been has a local jazz station, and they are all good.
When I can't decide what to play, The music is on the airwaves. Sometimes it's nice to let someone play stuff for me, and hear what is out there instead of in here. Radio is a good source for discovering new music as well. And, there is a lot of stations out there, both popular and not so popular. And, it's free.
A good tuner helps. Try putting a fraction of the effort into a tuner that you do into your other source components, and be rewarded, if you are so inclined. I can't help but notice that tuners are the least expensive of any source component, from circuit city to the high end to evan state-of-the-art. (I wonder what percentage of audiophile-types have a good tuner?).
Sony owns the biggest piece of the market, not just cd's and cd players, they own a major picture studio, a record company, and that is not an accident. Sony recognizes that if you own hardware AND software, then you can corner your own market and create your own products.
Sony is currently working on digital radio. I heard an ad, an 'informertial' on AM radio and they came right out and claimed that the goal was to make all radio digital.