Are You An Audiophile Or A Music Lover?

Try to imagine yourself in the following fantasy:

In your youth you foolishly make a deal with Satan whereby he immediately gives you whatever you desire (wealth, talent, fame, etc.). You in turn grant Satan the right that at some future date he can take from you something you value. Years later you're sitting in your professionally designed, acoustically perfect music room listening to a selection from your 10,000+ music collection on your $500,000+ system. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. It's his Satanic Majesty and it's payback time. You think he's going to take your soul, but surprisingly he gives you a choice. You can either keep your system, but you'll only be able to listen to a single piece of music - forever, or you can keep the 10,000+ music collection, but you can only listen to it over a sub $100 boombox - again, forever. Which would you chose?

Bonus points if you made your deal with the devil after midnight at the crossroads.
I'm a music lover, but I hear small details and misperformance of the reproducing equipment and always aim to get rid of that with either upgrades or tweaks whichever I consider as a neccessity.
My most expencive component in my system is my analogue record collection(arround 750 vinyls right now)
I'd offer him my soul. After all, most of the world's greatest dead musicians probably reside somewhere in Hell.
Music for sure :) For the sub $100 dollar boom box, I would look everywhere for the cheapest DIY stuff and put together a very nice system that I would be proud of building. This would be kinda fun too!