How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?

I have recently got out my dad's old Thorens TT (TD 150 MKII) and listened to some of his old classical LP's. I think that it is a warmer sound than CD but I can't get passed all the noise. I asked my Dad and he said it always sounded that way. Am I doing something wrong? Do you just ignore the hiss and pops? Thanks in advance.

Viridian, agreed. However, even though dynamic range is an engineering choice, the choices are still limited by the medium and technology. There is a wider dynamic range available with digital than vinyl.
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Rockinroni said, "Your rig is entry level, you will not be able to retrieve the lower 2 or 3 octaves on this turntable." If the lowest octave is 20-40Hz, then the turntable in question can't retrieve info any lower than 80-160Hz. Roni was being kind, if a component can't reproduce anything from the upper bass downward then it's not a true hi-fi component let alone entry level high end. Thanks for clearing things up, Roni.
But then Rockinroni said that a Systemdek with Rega arm at 700$ would outperform a CD and obviously reproduce the notes below 120HZ.

I am glad that we cleared that up!

Bob P.
Viridian, listening into 20db of noise (I guess this is like the cocktail party effect) to hear music is not my idea of gained dynamic range.

Salut, Bob p.