Nordost Valhalla Question

Anybody out there make the leap from the Quaatro-fil and SPM Reference combo to the Valhallas
Heard it at a friend's system that I am very familiar with.
No down side, fuller in the lower mids, took away a bit of
silveriness and added some color and weight.
Allow lots of break in.
acuujim: i was all set to try out a pair of valhalla ic's 'til i read the instruction sheet. i mean, can you imagine puttin' the cable you're about to replace into a tiny boat, setting it afire, and launching it, sails set, into the fjord? first off, i drive a bmw; haven't had an available fjord for years. -kelly
You might consider Acoustic Zen. I switched from Quattro Fil/SPM and found the Zen all around better for 1/4 the price.
I heard a comparison once of most of the line of Nordost cables, in increasing order of expense. I own and very much Quattrofil, so I am familier with their sound. Valhalla, at least in that demo, was fantastic, unbelievable fast and natural and lifelike. I would rank it as a good VALUE at it's absurdly high price (if you accept the value of other popular high end cables....).