Is the Teres a

I have just read Art Dudley's review of the Quattro Supreme (Stereophile, October issue), a table spawned from the basic Teres design. (The friendship, then break-up of the original Teres group is also mentioned as a side story.)

I have no experience with the Teres but the Supreme - a design very similar to the Teres - priced at $6,000 got a "B" rating (actually meaningless, but someone's got to give it some rating because we are a rating-mad people!).

Why doesn't Chris Brady send Art a table so that he could at least give the Teres a good review and exposure?

Art's reference, the LP12, by the way, beat the Supreme in one area: PRaT.

Sometimes a turntable manufacturer steps up and really compares their own product to (aruguably) a better source. Back in the mid 80's I was invited to a comparison between a maxed out LP12 (hooked up to the best system in the store) versus the final two channel studio tape of the same recording. I can't recall the brand of the reel to reel but it was huge and running at 30 IPS. This was in Omaha at The Sound Environment, which at the time was a very good high end salon although somewhat snooty as Linn retailers are known for. I could be wrong on this since I don't remember the artist but I believe this was when Linn first entered the world of making software. The gentleman that put on this display was one of the Linn executives from Scotland. I was so intrigued by the performance of the turntable that I stayed for the next demo just to confirm what I had heard. The vinyl held its own against the studio tape. There were differences and this was to be expected but the differences were very small. IMO, this is the best way to evaluate the performance of a turntable combination rather than introducing various flavors inherent in tonearms and cartridges and comparing those. I still tip my hat after all these years to Ivor for having the wisdom and guts to do such a comparison. Then again, maybe it was all just a set up, full of fraud but my ears don't think so. I attended out of curiosity since I was already an owner of my second LP12, the first (original table) not being upgradeable. I would suggest that any proper evaluation of current contenders for a turntable shootout simply mount their best choice of arm/cartridge and compare each to the original master tape.
Patrick, I'm surprised some folks weren't then clamoring for a shoot-out betweeen R2R decks as a basis for deciding which to pit against the Linn. :-) I am beginning to agree with others who are souring on the whole shoot-out notion. May be kinda fun as exercise in listening for musical differences, but as long as your happy with what you have....
Dear Jean: *** " Whether it’s called PRaT, or whatever, aren’t we all looking for the visceral, emotion-filled, faithful reproduction of the stuff in those grooves? " ***

I agree totally with 4yanx.

*** " this is the best way to evaluate the performance of a turntable combination rather than introducing various flavors inherent in tonearms and cartridges and comparing those. " ***

I agree too with Lugnut.

*** " mean truly accurate speed, in practice and playing a real LP) being seminal in this regard. If these Big Heavyweight turntables fail to recover PRaT (as any do, I had the Maplenoll Ariadne with 40-pound platter which was less musical than the Athena with the lighter 15-pound platter it replaced), it is because their speed stability is in fact not stable " ****

Jean this is not true : The PRaT or not PRaT of any turntable depends of many factors: speed stability, rumble, bearing type ( air bearing, magnetic bearing, oil bearing, non oil bearing, etc ), platter material ( wood, acrilyc, metal ), heavy mass type or other type, belt or thread drive ( thread are the best for heavy mass metal platters. Not very good with wood/acrilyc ones . ) suspended or not suspended, in which kind of plataform is mounted, which tonearm, which cartridge, which phono cables, which phono preamp, which speakers, which amplifiers, which recordings, etc...

As you can see it is a very complex subject and the speed stability is only one of the parameters, yes is a very important ( critical ) one but as I told: is only one.

The must important issue on what Jean already told us is that we have to remember that the turntable " exist " first because we have to retrivial the recording information through it ( the only way ) and second that for do that in an accurate way ( accurate to the recording ) it has to run exactly at 33 1/3 or 45 rpm. Any deviation it will be audible an out of place: it will be inaccurate and if does not exist that speed stability we will hearing a different recording ( due to timing. Jean you are right in this issue ). That speed stability has to be in the long and short run.
Which will be the criteria range for that speed stability?, well at least the turntable has to have a speed accuracy of: +,- 0.01%. Less of this " figure " is not permisible for a high-end turntable. The best ones, like: Walker, top Basis, top VPI, Verdier, Acoustic Signature, Well Tempered, Top Sota, Nothingham, Micro Seiki, Maplenol, meets and surpass this speed criteria ( example: Walker: 0.002% ). All these units are belt/thread drive systems. The direct drive systems easily meets that speed criteria: Technics SP 10 MK 2/3, Denon DP 80/100,: 0.001% ( The Sirius that is a direct drive TT obviuosly is at the top of the target ).

Now, this speed stability depends on many issues: bearing type, platter balance, platter weight type, motor quality, etc..., but all things the same, the difference will be on the: power supply. Take a look on the power supply ( some are stand alone units, like Walker and Acoustic Signature TTs. ) and you can see how elaborate are the circuits and then you can understand why it is so important and critical for speed accuracy the power supply design.

Now, all of you: your turntable meet, at least, the 0.01% speed accuracy criteria ?. If not, you are in problems, I really mean: the music reproduction is in serious problems.

Regards and enjoy the music.

My LP12 is not the be all and end all in analog. Far from it. It is a solid performer though and in my system it is not the weakest link in the chain. I still have it after all these years simply because I have no compelling reason to replace it. I haven't a clue what I would buy if I were shopping for a new table. In the price range I would be in I would probably be looking at a Teres bearing, motor, speed controller and battery power. I could easily make the rest. The only point I was trying to make was that the original master tape would be the control and the contenders in this competition would be trying to be most faithful to that control.
No, you've taken me all wrong, Pat, or I wasn't clear. What I meant was that with all this talk of shoot-outs between TABLES, it's the wonder folks weren't clamoring for a shoot-out between R2R decks before using one to compare to the Linn table - meaning that if the Linn equaled the R2R being used SOMEONE would be bound to say, "but if you used this other R2R.... :-O

I agree with what your saying in the a comparison to the master would be revealing.