Just to clarify.......I am aware of the source limitations of the B&O turntable and its respective cartridge as compared to the capabilities of the ML equipment. This is why I say I am not taking this seriously. I simply have the turntable laying around from years ago, and it would be fun to hook it up.
Having said that, I would intend on purchasing a phono stage which is commensorate with the turntable's capabilities, NOT the Levinson gear's capabilities. The whole idea is just to break out those old 33's, and revisit them at a reasonable level.
A related question comes to mind though, which may not even apply is this situation: Is a phono stage neccesary at all with MM cartridge applications? From my reading, it appears a MM cartridge's output is much higher.
Thanks for the education.
Having said that, I would intend on purchasing a phono stage which is commensorate with the turntable's capabilities, NOT the Levinson gear's capabilities. The whole idea is just to break out those old 33's, and revisit them at a reasonable level.
A related question comes to mind though, which may not even apply is this situation: Is a phono stage neccesary at all with MM cartridge applications? From my reading, it appears a MM cartridge's output is much higher.
Thanks for the education.