Best interconnects 2m for less than 200/pr used

lex dc-1 pre
krell kav250a
ead pm500
b&w nautilus spkrs

looking for 5 interconnects to run at 2m length each from pre amp (2 to krell, 3 to ead pm). would like to spend <$200/pr for them and am willing to buy used of course. any advice?
Phoenix Gold by Carver Pro. You'll have cash left in your pocket to buy software and take your Mami to dinner...

Call Steve at Quest for Sound and ask him to lend you a pair. You will NOT be disappointed.

If you want Voodoo, he'll also sell you Voodo at higher prices.

If you want something pricier goto and get their silver plated copper interconnects. I understand they are superb.

Happy listening.
bwhite -
thanks for the details...
its hard to find the aq lapis, diamond or cardas gr for the price range im looking in. anywhere to buy used cables for a decent price? doesnt have much of a selection.

also, what about the cardas golden cross? found a 2m pair rca for 250. thanks.
btw, i do run the krell to the mains and the ead to the center and rears. thanks
Cardas Golden Cross is a highly colored cable. If you are looking for less highs and loads of bass, it is the cable for you. Cardas Golden Reference is a much "faster" cable than Golden Cross - better detail, tonal balance and dynamic performance overall. The Golden Cross is a wee bit slow but makes for a nice midrange character. Not sure what kind of speakers you have but the Krell + Golden Cross could sound like someone is pounding on the wall with a sledge hammer POWER!

I have NEVER found a cable that made more bass in my system than the Golden Cross -- but then again, I have never had a cable that took so much of the highs/air away either.

The reason I recommended Lapis and Golden Reference is the two cables WILL synergize with your gear and make them sound more "alike" creating a seamless environment for movies and multi-channel music.

If you cannot afford the Golden Reference, try the Neutral Reference for the Krell. If you cannot afford Lapis x2 or x3 for the EAD, Go with first generation Lapis as a fallback - although it may be harder to find.

As I grew my system, I have at times gone for months using free/cheap RCA cables while I saved for the right cables.

Sometimes, if you can save a lot of money in cabling by moving your system around and using shorter I/C's.


I second the recommendation for the Blue Heaven. If you can get away with 1m, I'll sell you my Red Dawn RCA for that, as I just went balanced. Ern
Hi Baz, you can also use Kimber Hero. I have changed mine out for silver and they are 2M long. I have 5 of them with the WBT locking RCA.
contact me and enjoy the music
