I accept all the ribbing in the spirit in which it was given and humbly (or with pie on my face) but should add there was a rather worrisome noise made when she took it the arm off, and no the record was not scratched. In retrospect the reason was probably the volume was still up or the kids were screaming. When I looked that at night it really did look like it was riding low but it may have been the light and the record - which was a bit warped. The other thing I failed to mention was that when I first got the cartridge it rode very low and I thought I was crazy until I realized the thing was defective from the start. It took three months to get it repaired, which only added to the paranoia. Finally the reason for the title was to attract input or advice - which it did. Again I acknowledge my goof and furthermore that my wife is a wonderful person and I am lucky enough to be with someone who loves music and takes an interest in my hobby. Suitably humiliated (but at least not in need of a cartridge)