Anyone made the "Bob Crump" home-made powercord?

I found Bob's instructions for his power cord using
Belden brand wire, and specific brands of plugs. I just
made two today and guess what? They sound great and nothing
blew up! Just wondering if anyone else tryed making these
and their results.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Here is the recipe.

#1 Belden 19364

#2 Pass & Seymour 5266-X AC Plug

#3 Schurter 4300.0603 IEC

#4 You need some good solder to attach the IEC. Bob recommends Wonder but you could probably save a few bucks and get by with some Kester 63/37 with the 44 flux.

I'd also get yourself some TechFlex to cover it and make it look pretty. A little heatshrink holds things in place. Shield only hooked on one side.

If you want more details doing a search on the Asylum is going to net you the most results.

I build and sell these... just a disclosure.
Come on guys, an Absolute Power Cord is cheaper and already made (injection molded in place, that is).
The "Absolute" is NOT cheaper ( all things taken into consideration ) if you build it yourself. This is especially true if you stick to the basics ( IEC connector, raw cord & power plug ) without adding anything fancy. The fact that you can make a cord to the specific length that you want also adds to the versatility and benefits of a DIY design.

The fact that Bob "donated" the basic "blueprint" for this cable demonstrates that, while being a professional in the business, he is not afraid to lend a helping hand and share his knowledge & experience with those willing to learn. Kudos to Bob and other "down to earth" Professionals like him. Things like this simple "tweak" and display of "sharing" are one of the FEW things that help to recruite newcomers to what is an otherwise overpriced and typically "stuffed shirt" industry. Sean
I have made many of them.It is a great cord.Have sold of all my name brand cords.
Anyone interested in a kit with the parts required email me.
I buy the parts In bulk and make them up for friends.
They do wonders on Computers also.