Analysis Plus vs. Harmonic Technology

I have a Plinius 8200 integrated, Arcam FMJ23 cd player, and B&W CDM9NT speakers. Shunyata Sidewinder Golds on both pieces, and an Audioprisim Foundation 3 line conditioner, using a Shunyata Mojave power cord for the Audioprisim to the wall. All cableing is Analysis Plus. I'm not getting alot of extension, I was thinking Of Harmonic Tech. Pro-Silway mk.2 and Pro 9 plus speaker cable as an upgrade. Any ideas? Thanks.
Can't comment on Analysis Plus but have recently installed HT Pro-9 (bi-wired bananas). Sound is fantastic with my AA Dvoraks. Very smooth and balanced with tons of air and detail. Just bought (no wonder I don't own a home) Pro Silway II balanced IC's but can't use 'till I retube my VT-100 (nwIdoah). The heard seems to be migrating to Acoustic Zen but I can't imagine any music lover not liking the HT.
the A/P silver oval interconnect and speaker cable should do a better job in every area vs. any H/T. I currently run my entire system with A/P silver including powercords...and it is smooth,open,detailed with a natural harmonic tonality!
I have had both the Anlysis Plus and Harmonic Tech. The Pro 9 is pretty good, I don't think to much of the Pro Silway 2. I think it is altogether better than Analysis Plus. I would check out Acoustic Zen. It is about the same price as Harmonic Tech and is WAY better in every aspect. I like the Acoustic Zen cords better than any cords I have tried including very expensive stuff.
Acoustic Zen and Harmonic Tech are basically made the same way with the same designs and materials/same company (because of the business partners) so I would be surprised if they sound any different.
As far as the differences between Harmonic Tech Pro-9/Pro Silway II and Analysis Plus, it is night and day. The Harmonic Tech cables are so much better then the Analysis anything it is not even a comparison. Much more depth, detail, and neutrality. I have had many chances to listen to both lines extensively and I am certain about what I said. But you know how it is, your mileage may vary. The
Harmonic Tech cable, the Precisions, are a better comparison to the Analysis. The Harmonic Tech cables are the best that I have ever heard for anything close to the price.
I use the HT pro-9 speker cables and am totally satisfied. I use both the pro silway II and truthlinks. The silways worked well for me between the amp and pre (VTL) and in the phono side of the system (where they still reside) but they produced a nasty glare and lacked body when used from the cd playerc (ACR CD-2). The truth links were definately fuller and more musical in that locaion though lacking in a little of the detail that the silways provided. In my system the truth links tend to work better overall and they are a lot cheaper. try em both.