Ipod Server-Why not?

I ripped my CD's Apple lossless and play thru my Krell Kid dock. I have shuffle, playlists, etc at my finger tips even a remote control I even prefer the sound (balanced out into Cary SLP03 tube pre and Spectron amp) vs my Rotel RCD 1520 cd player and Oppo 83SE.

I have been looking a computer audio wondering what I would gain by going that way? I have been considering the Mach2Server probably with a Rega DAC. I could try the Wadia dock/Rega DAC combo vs the Krell but wonder if the computer server would offer sound advantages I am not getting now? FLAC?

I dont really care for using the computer in my sound room.
I think using a laptop can be more convenient. With the iPod you basically have to keep it in the dock cradle. Whic is a PITA when you want to change albums or titles. With a laptop you can use iTunes, get an iTouch, use the router, download the iTunes app on the iTouch and have total control of your library wirelessly. Once implemented it's basically set and forget. I use the Cary Xciter DAC.
Yup, a computer like the Mini will provide you with infinitely greater flexibility (ie, anything you might do with a computer), customizability (different software-end players or addons are just the start), tweakability (yes, anything you might change or upgrade on a computer you can change or upgrade on a computer, who knew), infinitely scalable storage space (and cheap, very fond of an Oyen digital FireWire RAID, damn sexy tech), AND may well sound better -- or at least very much have the potential to sound better -- to boot. Is that any reason not to use and enjoy an iPod as a digital source -- with the caveat that as long as you're running lossless files native format digital out and bypassing the junk inboard DAC -- no reason at all. If you're enjoying it, do. But rest assured that if (or as things go in this "hobby", I suspect when) you find yourself longing to explore whether there's more to be gleaned from the format, rest assured that there is.
Probably the most curiosity I have is to hear FLAC hi rez files which the ipod can't handle. I have looked into the music server idea for a while and it seems a little less confusing as time moves on. With the selection that HD Tracks has been offering lately its hard to pass up. I have an Ipad= so there is an app that allows me to address the mini while sitting and listening? Sounds pretty good.
I tried the Wadia dock (not the new one) and found it ergonomically inept. Undocking and reducing because it would lose the digital signal, click wheel issues, having to use the click wheel, etc. Just a real PITA.

I thought about using my laptop, but having it and my external hard drive wasn't my idea of fun either. Didn't want to use an airport express, Squeezebox, etc. as I had Squeezebox issues previously.

I bought an Apple TV gen 1 when it was the current one. It has 160gb internal hard drive and optical output. Think of it as an iPod with digital output. Everything is synched to it as Apple Lossless. I control it with my iPhone and with my TV whenever I feel like going that route. It can also be controlled by an iPod Touch or iPad.

I'm pretty sure they can still be found. Search Amazon. There are also people putting bigger hard drives into them. Haven't done that though. For me, it's a very simple route that has worked flawlessly. I think I paid $250 or so for it a few years ago. I've listened to and enjoyed music more than ever since I've had it.

It can also do Internet radio and YouTube. Picture and sound quality vary through those, but they're a lot of fun.

Connect it to a great DAC like the Rega DAC (which I own) and it sounds great. Just my two cents. Haven't tried the current ATV, but I've read it only outputs at 48 rather than 44.1, so it's changing things from the original signal. I haven't heard anyone rave about it's sound quality by any means.
i wouldn't spend a dime on a digital front that can't handle hi res. would also shy away from anything that wasn't wifi ready as well (i'm not a usb fan).

i had a wadia/ipod set-up for a while and enjoyed it. tweaked it a bit, which helped take it up a notch(upgraded pc and nicely matched ic). knew i'd be moving to a computer based system so the ipod set-up was a stepping stone while i figured out the computer based systems details. enjoyed it for the 6-8 months it was with me.

once i added the PS Audio Bridge to my PWT/PWD front end...the wadia and ipod were sold without a second thought. huge step up that doesn't even warrant a conversation imho(also a huge step up in price). am currently streaming from a win7 pc with great results. my library is 100% uncompressed FLAC which includes alot of hi-res as well(88, 96, 176 and 192). the sound is outstanding and really can't be compared to the wadia set-up. everything from soundstage (width and depth) to imaging and extension have been improved. use my ipad as the controller with J River MC16 on the pc. although i still feel my PWT sounds a bit warmer and is slightly less fatiguing, 80% of my listening is done via pc/streaming. the convenience and options available are worth the tiny compromise in sound quality imho.

again...strongly recommend a hi res, streaming capable front end if you're gonna go the computer based route. pc or apple...whatever floats your boat. compared to an ipod/dock set-up, you will hear the difference without a doubt.