Phasecorrect-Maybe I shouldnt have discouraged you from buying an entry level table/arm/cartridge.
One has to start somewhere and its a good way to get your feet wet without going broke.
My only real concern is I have seen too many times (me included) audiophiles buying entry level tables then turning around and upgrading almost immediately.I think for some reason the upgrade bug hits analog lovers hard.If money is an issue to you as it is to me then save more money and go for a better table/arm.The market has really good used tables popping up all the time.I lost money upgrading over the course of 4 years because I tried to 'cheap out'when I should have been saving instead.
If you dont mind the bother of buying,unpacking,setting up...then selling,disassemble,packing,etc.and you dont mind the chance of losing a few bucks then go for it.As I said,its a good way to get you feet wet and some practice in.
One table I had along the way was a Ariston RD-80 with a Magnapan (sic) arm.It was in mint shape and beautiful.It sounded real close to the Rega P-25 I ended up with.I paid $400 for it and I know it blew away the MMF-2 I paid $200 for.When I traded up to the Rega I lost my shirt.It wasnt worth the money I lost for a small upgrade.
Do your homework and listen to guys like TWI.
As far as the 'shack rat' goes.Being battery operated you have to consider the cost of batteries.Many buy a battery charger.Also some buy 2 'rats' 1 for each channel.See,you could end up paying close to $100 for this before you decide to upgrade.With less bother and maybe even less money and better performance you could buy a Parasound PH-100 for $70-$90 and most likely make your money back if you decided to sell it.The PH-100 is said to compete with many, more expensive stand alone phono-stages.
There are so many variables to consider its mind blowing.
I dont mean to confuse you,I just hate to see someone make the same mistakes I made.
I dont have a vast knowledge in analog.Others can guide you in your buying decisions better than me.
TWI is one you can count on to continue to guide you.He knows his stuff.
Good luck.