LP12 Setup: Dead & Lifeless: Where's the air?

Picked up an LP12 from a fellow 'Goner this weekend and installed the Dynavector and proceeded to be underwhelmed :)

It sounds really dark and closed w/o any airiness on top.
Fiddled with the basics, and this basic dark, closed character did not change much at all.

Being a LP12 newbie I could certainly have my local dealer help with this (they are very good), but thought if there was something simple to fiddle with, I could affect a DIY style setup change.

Make sure the bearing has oil in it and the belt is fresh. I use Mobil 1 'cause the Linn oil is like unubtanium. I agree with all the above.
Sean nailed it -- I had incorrectly set the overhang.
Simple! That sure beats a trashed power supply...

Now this table has absolutely come alive with MUSIC -- it's always just one more track, one more disc ... much better!

... and just when I was thinking that I was just gonna hold on to the P25 and simplify my vinyl experience and not have to deal with this moody tweeky scottish thing ... :)

Thanks again everyone, the help is much appreciated.
Breeno: Glad you were able to get it worked out to your liking and it was something simple. If i were you though, i would contact Lugnut ASAP and take advantage of his very kind offer. Once you do that, i would go over the Linn set-up procedure and take NOTHING for granted. There is probably more performance to be had in that thar beast, so you might as well get everything out of it that you paid for : ) Sean
Hm, unfortunately I think, this is not possible, beside huge tweaking.
I never saw a LP12 which was able to create 'air '. All were - more or less - dull, slow, coloured with no inspiration.
Your description about being dead and lifeless is normal, I think. ( So, most Linn dealers say, they have a great timing ....)
Sean: Lugnut and I have been emailing, and I've got the setup manual printed out and ready to go -- he's been extremely helpful. I'm pretty happy to just have the thing in the ballpark - it was really bad initially.

I do think I'm going to have my Linn dealer give it a once over this time around while I'm still learning. As you said, I'm hoping there's more performance to be had.